Sancy Suraj: The CEO Behind Corporate Training’s Latest Revolution


Sancy Suraj: The CEO Behind Corporate Training’s Latest Revolution

In the world of corporate training, few names are as well-known and respected as Sancy Suraj. As the CEO of Knowles Training Institute, Sancy has led the charge in revolutionizing corporate training for businesses worldwide. From leadership to marketing and customer service, the company offers over 400 courses across 30 countries.
In this interview, Sancy shares insights into his leadership style, the impact of COVID-19 on the corporate training industry, challenges he’s faced as an entrepreneur, and much more. His wealth of experience and expertise offer valuable lessons for aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs.

What motivated you to start Knowles Training Institute, and what do you consider to be the institute’s biggest achievement to date?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the corporate training industry. With social distancing measures and travel restrictions in place, many companies were forced to cancel their in-person training sessions. This has resulted in a surge in demand for virtual training solutions. At Knowles Training Institute, we have adapted to the new normal by pivoting to virtual training courses.
To provide our clients with the best possible virtual training experience, we invested heavily in technology and retrained our trainers to deliver virtual courses effectively. We also had to rethink our training approach to ensure that it was suited to the virtual environment. For example, we have introduced shorter training sessions, as participants tend to have shorter attention spans in a virtual environment.
Another change that we have made is to focus more on the content of our training courses. With virtual training, it is essential that the content is engaging and interactive. We have introduced more interactive elements to our courses, such as polls, quizzes, and breakout sessions. This has helped to keep participants engaged and improve the overall effectiveness of our courses.
Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, we have been able to adapt and continue to provide high-quality training solutions to our clients. In fact, we have seen a significant increase in demand for our virtual training courses, and we believe that virtual training is here to stay. We will continue to invest in technology and refine our virtual training approach to ensure that we are providing the best possible service to our clients.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the corporate training industry, and what changes have you made to adapt to the new normal?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the corporate training industry, forcing many businesses to rethink their approach to training and development. At Knowles Training Institute, we have had to make significant changes to adapt to the new normal. One of the most significant changes we have made is the adoption of virtual training.
We recognized early on that virtual training was going to be critical during the pandemic, as it allowed us to continue delivering high-quality training to our clients without the need for face-to-face interaction. To make virtual training possible, we invested in technology, retrained our trainers, and created new courses that were specifically designed for a virtual environment.
Another change that we made was to focus on the content of our training courses. With virtual training, it is even more critical to keep participants engaged and motivated. We introduced more interactive elements to our courses, such as quizzes, polls, and breakout sessions. These interactive features help to keep participants engaged and ensure that they retain the information presented.
We also introduced more flexible training options, such as self-paced e-learning courses. This allows participants to learn at their own pace, and it reduces the need for live virtual training sessions. It has also made our courses more accessible to a wider range of participants, including those who may not have been able to attend in-person training sessions.
Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to innovate and adapt our approach to corporate training. While the pandemic has been challenging, it has also presented us with new opportunities to deliver training in innovative ways. We will continue to embrace these opportunities and provide our clients with the best possible training solutions, whether in-person or virtual.

What is your leadership style, and how do you foster a positive and productive work culture within your organization?

As the CEO of Knowles Training Institute, my leadership style is focused on fostering a positive and productive work culture that empowers employees to excel in their roles. I believe in leading by example and creating an environment that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning.
One of the key ways that I foster a positive work culture is by creating an environment of trust and transparency. I believe that it is essential to communicate openly with my team and to be transparent about the company’s goals and vision. This helps to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives.
I also encourage creativity and innovation by providing employees with the resources and support they need to develop new ideas and solutions. I believe that giving employees the freedom to experiment and take risks is critical to fostering a culture of innovation.
Another important aspect of my leadership style is a focus on continuous learning and development. I believe that investing in employee development is essential to the success of any organization. To this end, we provide employees with ongoing training and development opportunities, both through in-house training and external courses.
Finally, I believe that it is essential to recognize and reward employees for their hard work and contributions. We have a culture of recognition at Knowles Training Institute, where we celebrate the achievements of our employees and provide regular feedback and constructive criticism to help them grow and develop.
Overall, my leadership style is focused on creating a positive and empowering work culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. I believe that this approach helps to drive employee engagement and productivity, leading to better business outcomes for our organization and our clients.

“Effective leadership is about fostering a positive work culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning.”

What new trends do you see emerging in the corporate training landscape, and how is Knowles Training Institute positioning itself to stay ahead of the curve?

The corporate training landscape is constantly evolving, and we are seeing several new trends emerge in response to changing workplace dynamics and technological advancements. At Knowles Training Institute, we are always looking for new ways to stay ahead of the curve and provide our clients with cutting-edge training solutions.
One of the most significant trends that we see emerging is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in corporate training. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way that we deliver training, providing personalized learning experiences and real-time feedback to participants. We are currently exploring the use of AI in our training courses, and we are excited about the potential that this technology has to offer.
Another trend that we see emerging is the increased use of mobile learning. With more people working remotely and on-the-go, mobile learning has become an increasingly popular way to access training content. We are currently developing a mobile learning platform that will allow our clients to access training courses and materials from their smartphones or tablets.
We also see a growing trend towards microlearning, which involves delivering training in bite-sized chunks that can be completed quickly and easily. Microlearning is an effective way to deliver training to busy employees who may not have the time to complete longer training sessions. We are developing microlearning courses that are focused on specific skills or topics, making it easy for participants to access the training they need when they need it.
Finally, we see a trend towards more personalized and adaptive learning experiences. This involves tailoring training content to the specific needs and preferences of each participant, providing a more engaging and effective learning experience. We are currently exploring the use of adaptive learning technologies to create personalized training experiences for our clients.
Overall, we believe that staying ahead of emerging trends is essential to providing our clients with the best possible training solutions. By embracing new technologies and approaches to learning, we can continue to deliver high-quality training that meets the evolving needs of our clients and their employees.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as an entrepreneur and CEO, and how have you overcome them?

As an entrepreneur and CEO, I have faced many challenges over the years. Some of the biggest challenges include managing growth, hiring and retaining talent, dealing with unexpected crises, and staying ahead of the competition. However, with each challenge, I have learned valuable lessons and developed strategies to overcome them.
One of the biggest challenges we faced as a company was managing our rapid growth. When we first started, we were a small company with just a handful of employees. However, as we expanded our client base and added more training courses to our offerings, we had to quickly scale up our operations. This involved hiring new staff, expanding our facilities, and implementing new processes and systems to manage our growing workload. To overcome this challenge, we invested heavily in our infrastructure, hired experienced managers to oversee different departments, and developed clear processes and protocols to ensure smooth operations.
Another challenge we faced was hiring and retaining top talent. In the highly competitive corporate training industry, it can be challenging to attract and retain the best employees. To overcome this challenge, we focused on creating a positive and supportive work culture that values collaboration, innovation, and personal development. We also offered competitive compensation packages, opportunities for advancement, and a strong focus on employee well-being.
In addition to these challenges, we have also faced unexpected crises over the years, such as natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. During these times, we had to quickly pivot our operations to ensure the safety of our employees and clients while still delivering high-quality training. To overcome these challenges, we implemented new safety protocols, developed online training solutions, and provided additional support to our clients and employees during these difficult times.
Overall, as an entrepreneur and CEO, I have learned that challenges are inevitable, but how we respond to them can make all the difference. By staying agile, embracing new opportunities, and investing in our people and infrastructure, we have been able to overcome the challenges we have faced and continue to grow as a company.

“Challenges are inevitable, but our response to them defines our success.”

When asked about the impact of COVID-19 on the corporate training industry, Sancy acknowledges that the pandemic has been a significant disruptor. However, he also shares how his company has adapted and evolved to meet the challenges of the new normal. By shifting to online delivery of training courses and developing new digital solutions, Knowles Training Institute has been able to remain at the forefront of the industry.
Sancy’s leadership style is also a topic of discussion, and he highlights the importance of building a positive and productive work culture. Through regular communication, empowering employees, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, he has created an environment where employees are motivated to succeed.
In discussing emerging trends in corporate training, Sancy identifies the growing importance of personalized and adaptive learning. He explains how Knowles Training Institute is positioning itself to stay ahead of the curve by leveraging technology to create customized learning experiences for clients.
As an entrepreneur and CEO, Sancy has faced numerous challenges, from financial setbacks to operational hurdles. However, he shares how he has overcome these obstacles through perseverance, resilience, and a willingness to learn from failures.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to succeed in today’s fast-paced and competitive marketplace?

To aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, my advice would be to stay focused, persistent, and adaptable in the face of challenges. The business world is constantly changing, and success requires a willingness to take risks, embrace new opportunities, and learn from failures.
One of the most important things is to stay focused on your goals and vision. It’s easy to get distracted by short-term challenges or trends, but it’s important to keep your eye on the big picture and stay committed to your long-term vision. This means being clear about your mission, values, and goals, and aligning your actions and decisions with these guiding principles.
Another key factor in success is persistence. Building a successful business takes time, effort, and perseverance. There will be setbacks, failures, and obstacles along the way, but it’s important to stay committed and keep moving forward. This means being resilient in the face of challenges, staying optimistic and focused on solutions, and learning from mistakes and failures.
Finally, it’s important to be adaptable and open to new ideas and opportunities. The business world is constantly evolving, and successful entrepreneurs and business leaders need to be able to adapt to new technologies, markets, and trends. This means staying curious, seeking out new opportunities, and being willing to pivot or change direction when necessary.
In summary, my advice to aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders would be to stay focused on your vision and goals, be persistent in the face of challenges, and stay adaptable and open to new opportunities. By staying true to your vision, persevering through challenges, and embracing new ideas and opportunities, you can build a successful and fulfilling career in today’s fast-paced and competitive marketplace.

“Stay focused on your vision, be persistent through challenges, and stay adaptable to new opportunities.”

Through his experience as a successful entrepreneur and CEO, Sancy Suraj offers valuable insights and lessons for aspiring business leaders. By staying focused on their vision, staying persistent in the face of challenges, and remaining adaptable to change, entrepreneurs can achieve success in today’s fast-paced and competitive marketplace. Sancy’s leadership of Knowles Training Institute has not only transformed the corporate training industry but also serves as a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and innovation.


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